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Funeral Gallery


A traditional funeral is usually held in a funeral home, a religious place of worship, cemetery chapels or at a gravesite. However, not all funeral services these days are traditional, families are choosing to conduct the funeral of their dearly departed outside in a garden or at a place that was frequently visited by the deceased, for example at the local cricket/football club, the Naval Chapel, a Park, the Beach or any of the other venues that are available in the local area.

These funerals can be a challenge, especially for the inexperienced videographer/live streamer. In an outdoor environment one of the important requirements is - power supply. Caktus Productions is equipped to livestream for up to 8 hours - nonstop.

We promise to do our best to facilitate a service that is appropriate for you and your loved one. 

Funeral livestream at a sports venue
The Mater’s Service of Remembrance, Consolation & Hope 2022 service at St Mary's Catholic Church, North Sydney
Thinking of Live streaming?
Holy Family Church, South Granville
St Keiran's Catholic Church, MonaVale
St Kevin's Catholic Church, Warringah
LiverPool Cemetery
Blessed Sacrament Church, Mosman
Holy Family Catholic Church, Luddenham

Below is an archive of funerals we have live streamed
We consider the privacy of the families we have worked with as a top priority, and our funeral gallery only contains archived live streams.

We do not live stream funerals on this page, nor do we share the live stream link with anyone other than the immediate family. 
For past, present and upcoming live streams we highly recommend contacting the family for the direct link.

Please note:  Due to privacy reasons, the video livestreams in the below archive are not viewable.

Funeral livestream of the late Rosetta Ursino
Funeral livestream of the late Vinko Galic
Funeral livestream of the late Arthur Lopez
CEMETERY: Funeral livestream of the late Margaret (Peg) McNamee
CHURCH: Funeral livestream of the late Margaret McNamee
The Mater’s Service Of Remembrance, Consolation & Hope 2024.
Funeral livestream of the late Margaret Goodwin
Funeral livestream of the late Rosa Maria Lentini
Funeral livestream of the late Fr. Christopher Murphy MSC
Funeral livestream of the late Malcolm Dean Watt
Josephine Fowler
Funeral livestream of the late Mark (Ram) Sitaramayya

see what our FAMILIES have to say about us

Caktus Productions Google reviews link
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